Unlike most cocktails, mulled wine tends to only make an appearance once a year at Christmas-time, and is as much associated with the holiday as the Christmas tree itself! Since you only get one time to shine, you better make it count - it helps if you have a good sized pot or slow cooker so you can batch this cocktail for many to enjoy.
As a rule of thumb, the heavier the wine, the better the batch, so opt for Merlot or Malbec if you have the option.
Glass: Lowball/Wine
• 175ml Red Wine
• 60ml Orange Juice
• 1 Barspoon Caster Sugar
• Lemon Zest
• 4 Whole Cloves
• 1 Star Anise
• 1/2 a Stick of Cinnamon
• 1 Slice of Orange
• Pour the wine into a pan/slow cooker on low heat
• Add in the orange juice and sugar while stirring slowly
• Add the lemon zest, cloves, cinnamon, star anie and orange slice and let it simmer for 5 minutes
• Serve hot into a lowball (or your favourite mug), or warm in a wine glass